Kayo | 225mg Delta 9 THC Dessert Bars

These delectable additions to our Kayo lineup are bound to make a believer out of anyone who doubts the power of hemp-derived Delta 9 products. With 225mg of Delta 9 THC per bar, we ~highly~ recommend dividing these treats into multiple servings, perfect for a night in with friends or splitting up for a few solo doses.

• Available in 3 flavors: Chocolate Brownie, Pumpkin Spice, and Peanut Butter & Jelly!

• All three flavors available in singles or 6pk Displays

If you have been searching for the perfect item under $15.00, our new 225mg D9 THC Kayo Bars are what you need. These delectable treats are made for everyone looking for something a little different but still effective. With a powerful 225mg of Delta 9 THC per bar, be sure to tell your customers to go easy on them, or they may end up on the MOON!!!

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