It’s April! You know what that means? Every weed connoisseur’s favorite event is coming, and they’ll be looking for things to do.

420, or April 20, is a special day for cannabis enthusiasts. While people in the US don’t really need a particular reason to hit a blunt nowadays, 420 sets off a festive mood for everyone who loves weed.

As for every dispensary out there, it’s the perfect time to cast a line with their 420 marketing and catch all the hungry weed lovers looking to celebrate.

420 Sale Ideas to Try for April 

1. Introduce Product Bundles Under 420 Themes

It’s 420; while it sounds like a no-brainer, bundles like a “420 Essentials Pack” or “Stoner Starter Kit” give your customers an easy one-stop solution to get their party on. 

What are the things usually found in a themed product bundle? In this case, it’s a cannabis holiday—think of what goes into a solid pot session: weed, pipes, lighters, and snacks. 

As an example, a “Stoner Starter Kit” will contain:

  • A pack of a popular cannabis strain
  • Basic smoking paraphernalia, such as a pipe or a bong
  • A basic grinder
  • A cannabis-themed lighter
  • Your brand of store goodies or snacks

Getting a step-up bundle will cater to more experienced customers, such as the 420 Essentials Pack:

  • Two to three packs of the most popular cannabis strains in flower or oil form
  • Weed accessories such as vaporizers, glass pipes, heatproof bowls, papers
  • Metal-teeth grinder
  • Air-tight container
  • Long-neck lighter
  • Your brand of store goodies or snacks

One last good idea is to add low-selling products to allow the said products to ride the sales of the more popular products.

2. Offer Limited-Time Discounts

Another simple yet indispensable 420 ideas for dispensaries are limited-time discounts. 

With flash sales, keep your customers glued to your social media or online storefront. Since they won’t know what will be next 420 dispensary deals, they’ll always keep an eye out on your website, which can lead to extra clicks on other products.

Countdown timers help maximize the impact of limited-time discounts. Since customers know the sale will end after a set time, they’re more likely to finish the purchase to avoid wasting the opportunity. 

Another alternative use of countdown timers is to create an element of suspense about when a known item will be on sale. This can help schedule other flash sales in conjunction with popular items going on sale since customers are expected to be present and waiting when the timer hits zero.

A limited-sale campaign sample from The Hemp Doctor

3. Promote Giveaway Campaigns

Giveaway campaigns are a great way to engage your current customers as they try to win some cannabis goodies or your 420-themed bundles. Likewise, it increases the exposure to new customers who are friends or acquaintances of your customers who participate in the giveaways.

Some 420 giveaway ideas include Facebook and Instagram “Like & Share,” which turn your giveaway into a social media content blast. 

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Another idea is an in-store purchase giveaway, where customers are guaranteed a prize for buying products over a certain amount. This giveaway can be expanded to include higher-tiered prizes via a roulette or wheel spin, with customers getting more rolls and making bigger purchases.

As for what to give away, your store is your oyster: gift cards of varying amounts, branded merchandise, product samples, and even themed bundles as a major prize will be perfect. But, of course, those are only suggestions and can be expanded with brand and vendor partnerships.

Take a look at one of the giveaway campaigns launched by The Hemp Doctor on their Facebook page

A sample campaign about a 420 giveaway in Facebook

4. Initiate Social Media Competitions

Similar to giveaway campaigns, social media competitions engage your customers and followers. At the same time, the competition elevates your reach across social media, as your contest participants now serve as active heralds of your store to their friends and followers.

Social media competitions function as active posts where people will engage with your post and your social media page. Competitions such as photo contests, caption contests, and even hashtag challenges are perfect for engaging your customers online.

There is no need to worry about keeping track of who likes, shares, or actively engages with your social media posts. Many online tools offer free or affordable tracking services for social media posts, specifically for giveaways and social media competitions.

Of course, nothing’s stopping you and your business from engaging with your participants more intimately and directly. Social media competitions such as 420 hashtag challenges and photo contests allow you to choose a winner, creating an opportunity to build rapport, trust, and credibility with your customers.

5. Host 420 Events In-Stores

One big 420 sales idea is to host in-store events in April. Events help create a focal point for your customers. Think of it as a reason for them to visit without necessarily considering a purchase. Rather, their purchase will come as a side effect of the event your business will hold. 

These in-store events will allow you and your staff to mingle with customers directly. It’s another opportunity to elevate trust and rapport between business and customers.

Reasonable event ideas are product demos and vendor booths that can last the month of April. These simple events scratch the itch of some customers looking to buy but require a bit of a nudge in the right direction. Likewise, these events help generate a community of like-minded individuals, all under the umbrella of your event

Bigger dispensary marketing ideas, albeit with more cost and effort, are live music events and pot parties. These events can be the culmination of the spirit of 420 and happen on 420 itself. The payoff with these big events, aside from the on-site sales, is the name recognition of your business, if it’s successful. 

Promoting 420 events can be done simply by posting on social media and having marketing email blasts. But simple’s just the start. 

Remember those giveaways and social media competitions mentioned earlier? Tie the event to them—these campaigns are meant to have high visibility as they engage with an online audience. The point of tying them together is to translate the online audience reach into a physical presence in the store come event time and, hopefully, long-term retention.

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6. Offer 420-Themed Sale In-Stores

Entice your customers with discounts limited to your physical store and get them through your door. In-store customers increase the likelihood of upselling and drawing their attention to slower-moving products, especially if exposed to knowledgeable and helpful staff.

Partner your in-store 420-themed sale with your 420 event, and that’s a one-two combo for the business and the customers.

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7. Set-Up Email Marketing Campaigns

Setting up an email marketing campaign for 420 sales is a viable next step to increase your sales in April.

Social media has its benefits when advertising products and services to potential and loyal customers. However, social media posts sometimes lack the direct reach that a brand needs to connect with its customers. On the other hand, an email delivered to your customers is more direct and provides surefire details that increase the likelihood of opened emails and conversion to purchases. At the same time, it serves as a direct way to create a relationship with your customers, helping build trust and credibility.

There are many ways to create emails targeted at your customers this festive 420. Introducing your brand and its story helps build familiarity with your customers. It also allows for more unfiltered and direct sharing of important news and the unveiling of new cannabis products without having to skirt social media restrictions.

Examples of 420 marketing campaigns include:

  • Event Invitations
  • Ongoing promotions or limited-time discounts
  • Product teasers
  • Countdowns
  • New product announcements
  • Welcome emails and newcomer special promotions

8. Strategize Cross-Promoting with Partner Brands

Cross-promotion is a marketing strategy used by businesses that mutually support each other. Think of it like tire manufacturers partnering with car companies. In this case, your store will look for businesses or promoters with the same passion for cannabis this 420.

The keyword here is “complement.” For example, dispensaries that cater to cannabis vape enthusiasts will benefit from cross-promoting with cannabis vape oil manufacturers or vaporizer companies. In the same way, dispensaries who have a passion for CBD, THCA, or Delta-8 can find partnerships with like-minded wholesalers such as The Hemp Doctor Wholesale.

Cross-promotions also distribute 420 advertising costs while leveraging the reach of everyone involved’s audiences.

Take note, cross-promotions aren’t restricted to two businesses. Cross-promos can include more and even enlist the help of personalities and influencers to broaden the reach further.

Some 420 cross-promotion ideas are:

  • Discounts with the partnered brands
  • Promo codes for the audience of partnered influencers
  • Joint marketing materials and assets for social media
  • Giveaways and social media contests with partnered brands
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Joint hosting of 420 or other themed events

9. Start Implementing a Loyalty Rewards System

One thing customers love is getting rewarded by being loyal to their favorite stores. Loyalty rewards are a perfect give-and-take system that provides customers extra value for their purchases from your store.

An example of a loyalty system is “purchase points,” where X dollars = Y points. Then, accumulated points can be converted to store credits, which customers can use to purchase more products from your store.

Another example is a “tiered reward system,” where accumulating X dollars in total purchases unlocks a tier with associated store rewards. The higher the tier, the better the rewards, and the greater the incentive for a customer to stay loyal to the store.

Lastly, referral programs are a great way to generate 420 sales leads from your loyal customers. The more they refer customers with confirmed purchases, the better their rewards—essentially turning a customer into your own sales rep.

Here’s an example of a loyalty program banner from The Hemp Doctor online retail. 

A loyalty rewards banner campaign by The Hemp Doctor

10. Increase Engagement with a Raffle

Raffles are another good way to retain customers while banking on the 420 hype. These raffles entice new and old customers to drive up your sales, and they can potentially be rewarded later on. 

Since the mechanics function on your end of the raffle, the event can also serve to spur the sales of slower products. For example, including a sale of a specific slow-moving product alongside a minimum purchase will serve as their raffle entry.

This mechanic can be expanded upon by allowing your customers to increase their odds of buying more of your cannabis products. By doing this, you essentially drive the number of your products as your customers increase their odds of winning a prize.

Now, tie a raffle in with the previously mentioned limited-time discounts or 420-themed bundles, and you’ll get the green ball rolling. 

11. Launch New 420-Themed Products

Releasing 420-themed products during 420? Yes, it sounds like a no-brainer because it is. It’s like launching Christmas-themed products during Christmas. Weed lovers will be looking to get into the spirit of 420, so providing them with that atmosphere is good for the business. 

In this case, just like themed bundles, your dispensary can provide products that serve as a one-stop shop for 420 party ideas. Think of it as the business doing the thinking for the customers, and all they have to do is buy and enjoy!

These 420-themed products can be: 

  • Cannabis piñatas
  • 420 murder mystery
  • Cannabis blacklight hotbox
  • Cannabis Hot Tenting
  • Other bundles like the Stoner Starter Kit or the 420 Essentials Pack

Get inspired with this product packaged with a 420 theme. 

Screenshot of the Phuk'd Up 420mg product page.

Final Thoughts

Lots of 420 celebrators will be potential new or returning customers leading up to the date. Use these ideas to boost your business traffic for this once-a-year cannabis event and solidify your customer base for long-term retention.

Don’t miss out and tap into the 420 hype this April with 11 of the best 420 sales ideas. From themed bundles to big 420 events, leverage the 420 spirit for this once-a-year event and watch your sales get high, literally.